Memphis Tech High School - 1933

Officers - Berry Berryhill - Cartwright Casiday - Draper Dumas - Goodman
Goings - Hettinger Hill - Kendrick Kennedy - Mabry Macdonald - McQuirter
Millican - Perry Petterson - Reach Redditt - Shearon Sherstrom - Trainer
Ulrich - Winston Wolf - Last 2 pages - -






Pages 17 and 18:  Millican to Perry

MILLICAN, Charles Norman


MITCHELL, Annie Laura


MOCK, Boheart Cornelia


MOORE, Charles Barton


MOORE, Mary Eleanor


MORRIS, Mary Elizabeth

MOSHER, Margaret Louise


MYRACLE, Philip Reed


NEWMAN, Mellie Quay


O'NEILL, Joseph Gelix


Page 18

ORRICK, Kirk Monroe

OWEN, Lillian Sanford


PADAWER, Lawrence


PANICH, Harold Lester




PARKS, John Richard


PAULLUS, Alfred Anthony


PECK, Clifton Bolen


PERRY, Abby Vernice


PERRY, Elizabeth


Officers - Berry Berryhill - Cartwright Casiday - Draper Dumas - Goodman
Goings - Hettinger Hill - Kendrick Kennedy - Mabry Macdonald - McQuirter
Millican - Perry Petterson - Reach Redditt - Shearon Sherstrom - Trainer
Ulrich - Winston Wolf - Last 2 pages - -






Thanks to Sue Lee Johnson, Tech 1951, for scanning the Yearbook Photos