1986 Memories...

Anderson - Davis

Dotson - Holman

Houston - McClain

McRaven - Ratliff

Reed - Thomas

Walker - Wilson



DEDICATION:  Dedications of publications are traditionally made to honor those whose support and friendship we cherish and appreciate.  In this tradition, the staff of Memphis Technical High School's yearbook, THE REVIEW, is dedicated to our adopt-a-school benefactor, First Tennessee Bank.

Tech's association with First Tennessee is made warm and personal due to the fact that Chairman of the Board, Mr. Ronald Terry, is a Tech graduate.  The concern and interest of the two resource personnel, Ms. Carolyn Beattie and Mr. Jeff Phillips, also serve to strengthen and enrich the relationship.

On behalf of Tech's principal, Mr. Ira Spillers, and the entire school, we say "thank you, First Tennessee".  We will strive to make you proud of us.



Yearbook Cover 1986


CLASS OFFICERS:  Treasurer Sean Crenshaw, Vice President Danetta Ewing, Secretary Vernita Dodson, President Sidney Shields.


YEARBOOK STAFF:  Deborah Henderson, Verica Crawford, Mrs. Elliott, Lawrence Wilson, and Robert Thomas
Homecoming Queen:  Sheena Broome


NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY:  Robert Pollion, Iris Gunter, Melisa Banks, Teresa Renfroe, Danetta Ewing, Coretta Ewing, Shelia Jones, Roy Bell, Sabrina Beasley.  2nd Row:  Keva Irvin, Carla Vinson, Tracey Hardy, Ladonna Ford, Stacey Blair, Stephanie Holloway, Sheena Broome, Deborah Henderson, Sidney Shields, Maggie Mosese, Tina Irvin, Retunza Williams, Carrine Jefferson, Donald Smith


Class Sweethearts:  Barron Hall - Carolyn Brandon

Natasha McClain, Paula Young, Katrina Hammond, Veronica, Mrs. Elliott, Lawrence Wilson, Deborah Henderson


1986 Teachers...


Anderson - Davis

Dotson - Holman

Houston - McClain

McRaven - Ratliff

Reed - Thomas

Walker - Wilson



Thanks to Sue Lee Johnson, Tech 1951, for scanning the photos.